The Rhythm Section

tonyDemo1Tony Flores • Lead Vocals / Rhythm Guitar /Bass Guitar
Born:  Phoenix, Arizona
Arizona:  Native
Day Gig?  Sit Down Comedian
Night Gig?  Stand Up Comedian
Other Gigs:  Disc Jockey
Favorite Musicians:  What is Hip?
Words of Zen:  “Did you hear the one about the priest, the alligator and the blind chicken?”


Tim Finn • Lead Vocals / Lead & Rhythm Guitar
Born:  Chicago, IL
Arizona:  Semi-Native
Day Gig?  I move Electronics
Night Gig?  I play with More Electronics
Other Gigs:  All gigged out right now
Chicago Style BBQ? Absolutely
Words of Zen:  “Let’s get it ON!”


Rich Brydle • Rhythm Guitar
Born:  Ohio
Arizona:  1962, MOSTLY a native
Day Gig?  Handles $$ for banks
Night Gig?  6-stringed Gunslinger
Other Gigs: Cold Shott’s Babysitter, Jerusalem Blues Band
Favorite Musicians:  Too Many…..oh, OK…..Eric Clapton
Words of Zen:  “Isn’t this great?” and “Whatever.” And the classic.. “How’s that workin’ out for ya?”


Anita Benavidez • Keyboards and Vocals
Born: Some time ago, but not THAT long ago. Been performing professionally since 3 yrs old.  Word.
Arizona: Semi-Native
Day Gig: Medical whiz
Night Gig? Keyboards!
Other Gigs: A great cook
Favorite Musicians: Lots and lots….Aretha Franklin, Chaka Khan, Etta James, Betty Wright and Irma Thomas
Words of Zen:  Can you carry something for me?


Marlon “Tru Shoe” Smith
Born: Yes. Yes he was.
Arizona: Since the 70’s….1870’s. Youngster with an old soul.
Day Gig? STUDENT and Everyone’s best drummer!
Night Gig? Drummer a la carte
Other Gigs: Pretty cool dude
Favorite Sports Team: All
Words of Zen: YEP!

Tony “Talkbox” Flores Jr.
Born: Pretty sure that he was!
Arizona: Another Youngster with an old soul
Day Gig? Computer wiz
Night Gig? Whatever be funky
Other Gigs: Great band member
Favorite Sports Team: Winners
Words of Zen: Wanna see my new bass?